Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace and Justice, Presentation and Affirmative vote to work together on public art project on labor issues and connections with Palestine.  12.11.11, Susan Greene

Presentation of MAIA Mural Project at ASWAT Concert,  12/20/11, Susan Greene and Miranda Bergman

Make A Splash In Gaza:  8 Murals in 8 Days:  Report Back, SF CA, 11.18.11,  Mural Crew.

Free Our Minds Radio, Santa Cruz, CA, 11.12.11, interview with Susan Greene

Voices of the Middle East and South Africa,  11.8.11,Susan Greene

KALW: YOUR CALL, , 9/28/11, interview Susan Greene, Ziad Abbas

Traditions, Olympia WA: 11/1/11  Andew Myer, Alicia Martinson, Hilary Hacker. Joanne Osband

Womens Connections meeting, Olympia WA, 11/15/11 Joanne Osband

UC BERKELEY; Conference “From Palestine to Mexico: bring down the walls”; workshop  11/17/11

The Maia Mural Photo Exhibit Gallery Showing
At the Evergreen State College Student Gallery, Opening: 11/2/11, Hilary Hacker and Alicia Martinson‘Maia’ Mural Project Exhibition | Cooper Point Journal
Artists from the United States and Gaza collaborated with the Break the Silence Mural Project, the Estria Foundation, and the OlympiaRafah Solidarity Mural

Interview on La Raza Chronicals KPFA 11/9/11 Nancy Hernandez

SF STATE; Mural Anniversary Celebration. Live silkscreening workshop. 11/3/11, Nancy Hernandez

Petcha Kutcha Presentation on Maia Mural Brigade @ Oaksterdam University 10/7/11,Nancy Hernandez

SMSHBX Gallery Opening of #Water Writes Exhibit 10/5/11, Nancy Hernandez

Petcha Kutcha Presentation on Water writes and Maia Mural Brigade @ California College of the Arts East Bay 10/1/11, Nancy Hernandez

Oakland Museum of Children’s Art “A Child’s View From Gaza”  9/24/11 Nancy Hernandez

Morning Show on Univision-  9/6/11, Josue Rojas

Water in Palestine @ Carlos Montes Event at 518 valencia in SF 8/31/11, Nancy Hernandez

Interview ARAB TALK – KPOO Radio 8/25/11, Nancy Hernandez  and Josue Rojas

Report Back with the The Estria Foundation and Water Writes Supporters Club 21 Oakland 8/20/11,  Nancy Hernandez  and Josue Rojas

Precita Eyes Youth Mural and Arts Festival at La Raza Park in SF,   7/23/11, Nancy Hernandez

The Stunning Water Murals of Gaza (PHOTOS)
Green Prophet– Artists from the Oakland-based Estria Foundation and the Olympia-Rafah Mural Project worked with local school children to decide on the themes and images 

10 Murals Changing Our Relationship to Water
Huffington Post
Founded in 2010 by Hawaii native and 26-year graffiti vet, Estria Miyashiro, along with Twitter co-founder Jeremy LaTrasse, Estria is an Oakland-based 

Dj MargaretRoll Call: Bay Area Arts and Culture,
Interview with Susan Greene
Saturday 22 October, 2011

Works In Progress- Olympia WA: Art as resistance: The story of the Maia Mural Brigade

Nora Barrows Friedman – Electronic Intifada:

Yahoo News- Palestinian children watch American Artist –

by Abby Zimet

press tv